Cost to Build a Video Streaming App Like Netflix

Sector: Digital Product

Author: Nisarg Mehta

Date Published: 02/05/2018

Cost to Build a Video Streaming App Like Netflix


There are so many websites, apps and social media portals that are driving people crazy. There was research done recently to statistically calculate the scenario of the population being addicted to these apps. Consumers can watch multiple series simultaneously, movies of each genre and much more.

It has been statistically recorded that there are 47 million users of Netflix in the USA and there are many more in the whole world because it has been providing people with a platform where they can stream any visual media whenever and wherever.

87 million users have been recorded using this Netflix app on their android, iOS and windows phones. That is why people have been thinking of expanding their businesses like Netflix has with its app. It has been bringing the makers huge profits and increased business returns.

So, if one starts talking about how to start successfully with the making of an application like Netflix, one obviously needs a mind like Reed Hastings. You also need to have proper investment along with a blueprint on the genre on which you are going to set up your app. At first you need to set up the key features that are going to make you stand out in the crowd while making sure that you will nail it when you launch your application.

Here are the key factors that you would need to keep in mind while trying to attempt to build such an application interface:

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  1. At first you need to come up with an idea like Netflix- the idea should involve a strategy that will make people stick to it and become so involved with it that they get it on their PCs and phones as well. Also, attracting people depends a lot on how your marketing strategy is placed through.
  2. Applications like Netflix are formulated on the fact that they work with very heavy databases. Heavy databases like that cost you a lot because you need to make sure that this app of yours is ensuring people of break free streaming with a heavy backend.
  3. The features of the app are one of the major cost deciding factor because the more it is loaded with features, the more the amount of investment needed will rise. So, if you think you are going out of resources, then you need to set up only core features in the first version.
  4. App design: It is very important for you to know that the simpler your app is to use, the more the people will like using it. Netflix is very easy to operate and it has separate sections for adults and kids which can be operated very easily. Thus, keep the design of the app as simple as you can, so that you can save a little for your future avenues.
  5. The platforms for setting up these apps are android and iOS interfaces and both have cost differences for setting it up. In the iOS version, it would cost a little more than the conventional cost as compared to the android one.
  6. Service Provider: There are so many app developers who can help you out in making these apps. You should find someone who has perfect knowledge for the application development process and has the experience to do so as well. But the most important part is that they should charge you with the best reasonable quote.

So, all in all these factors determine the total cost of developing a successful app like Netflix and you can now easily round up the total cost while adding up the expenses required in each factor. Applications like Netflix make up for a huge consumer base and through targeted revenue models, are profitable ventures.

Making and conceptualizing a Netflix-like application requires intensive resources long with the right direction of constituents as mentioned above. The costs are variable-dependent. It ultimately depends on the kind of application interface being used along with the complexity of various verticals in the application.

Making the application simpler and user-friendly is the key to a successful usage statistic along with a steady back-end supply as well.

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